T h e V i n e y a r d s
romaldo greco
T h e V i n e y a r d s
The Romaldo Greco winery covers a total area of about 16 hectares on five different estates
The soil is medium-textured, tending to be clayey, and is characterized by a bright red color due to the presence of iron oxide, a quality particularly suitable for growing vines.
Soil textures show slight but substantial diversities that allow for a wide heterogeneity of production.
The area planted with vines, with a spurred cordon training system, consists mainly of the native grape varieties par excellence: Negroamaro, Primitivo, Malvasia Nera, Verdeca, flanked by international varieties such as Chardonnay, Syrah, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon.
Romaldo Greco
C a r e a n d p a s s i o n f o r q u a l i t y p r o d u c t i o n
Producing quality wine requires constant care of the grape varieties. The winemaking philosophy of the Romaldo Greco winery is based on less quantity, but with a high quality of production.
The secret is in bud selection after germination.
Fewer clusters, but better quality. In addition, no herbicides are used in the vineyards, only mechanical weeding, so the vines are more resistant to pests and much more vigorous.
Romaldo Greco
T h e H a r v e s t
Due to the winery’s desire to distinguish itself from other local wineries, and because temperatures in Salento are often very high in the summer, the winery’s winemaker, Goffredo Agostini, aims to bring the harvest forward to avoid over-ripening of the grapes in the vineyard.
This is why Romaldo Greco wines have a lower residual sugar content and are very fresh, are gastronomic wines and enhance the flavor of any dish they are paired with.
Another important component is salinity due to proximity to the Ionian Sea.
Harvesting is hand-picked and done in small 18-kg baskets for greater control of the harvest.
During winemaking, all stages are controlled at every step: fermentation temperature, delestage, chemical analysis.
Production is about 60,000 bottles per year, a small output, but of very high quality.